So many changes have taken place in my life and I know more are sure to come! So, here I am. Starting a blog to chronicle what we're up to, what I'm pondering, and all the blessing and beauty God is pouring into our lives. Enjoy!
Friday, October 28, 2011
I'm still alive....
I know I'm kinda lagging behind here in the 30 day challenge...and it's kinda stressing me out. I haven't quit, I'm just a bit busy this week with work, moving, social obligations, and such. So, sorry for being lame and not keeping up. I will get my act together soon!!!
Monday, October 24, 2011
Day 6: from a low angle
I should be outside right now taking current pictures from a low angle since it's so nice out...but instead, I am posting this cactus picture that I took when I got to tag along on Ben's business trip to Phoenix last June. I just love the scenery of the southwest. It's so unique and beautiful!
Friday, October 21, 2011
Day 5: from a high angle
A pic of my favorite Tom's taken from the high angle of me sitting in a chair looking down at my foot. That's about as good as it gets when I wait to post at 11pm. That's all I've got. See ya next week, folks!
Thursday, October 20, 2011
4: Something Green
My something green is a picture of the awning outside of our apartment. This little, mildew covered awning has greeted me everyday I get home for the past year and 1 month. I have always liked this awning. It somehow reminds me of a European countryside cottage.
I chose this picture because nostalgia is starting to set into my heart. You see, Ben and I are moving out of our cozy, little, one bedroom apartment next week. We are moving into a townhouse so we have a little extra room for Baby B. I'm excited for this "upgrade" to a little more space (and hopefully functioning windows that keep out drafts), but I am sad to leave the little place that Ben and I have made our first home. We have created so many good memories here. But, it is time to look forward. New adventures are on our horizon! New memories are to be made at our new place! So, pretty, green awning, I have enjoyed your welcoming presence this past year, but I am moving on to new things....goodbye!
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Day 3: Clouds
While talking to my mom this morning, she expressed a bit of confusion about this 30 Day Photography Challenge that I'm doing. So, I will try to make it a bit more clear. In honor of her 30th birthday, my beautiful, talented, photographer friend, Tami, has created a list of 30 different "things" to take a picture of for 30 days. Here's the list:

And I believe these different assignment are open to creative freedom and can be as literal or non-literal as you like. It's just a fun little challenge to be creative and take some pictures!
So here is my day 3: Clouds. I have two. Both taken while Ben and I were on vacation in Florida last week.....wish we were still there!!!
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
let's try this again....
Blog fail.

That would be a good way to describe my follow thru on keeping up with this blog. I had good intentions...I really did...but, 3 months later, I am finally getting around to my second posting. Better late than never, right?
To the 3 people that actually know that I have a can thank my good friend, Tami, for getting me back in the blogging saddle. She has issued a 30 Day Photo Challenge, which I have decided to take part in. I missed day one, which was "self portrait" I am combining yesterday and today, which is "what I wore" into todays picture.

So, here it is. Day 1 & 2
Not my best or most creative self portrait...but it is in fact a self portrait, and it does show what I wore today. I was running out of I quickly ran outside to get a pic...then my neighbor came home and was hanging out outside and I began to feel self-conscious and decided that what I got was good enough. And, I also wanted to capture my growing little baby bump. Mission accomplished! Oh, and if you are dying to know what shoes I was wearing...they are grey Toms. :)
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