That would be a good way to describe my follow thru on keeping up with this blog. I had good intentions...I really did...but, 3 months later, I am finally getting around to my second posting. Better late than never, right?
To the 3 people that actually know that I have a can thank my good friend, Tami, for getting me back in the blogging saddle. She has issued a 30 Day Photo Challenge, which I have decided to take part in. I missed day one, which was "self portrait" I am combining yesterday and today, which is "what I wore" into todays picture.

So, here it is. Day 1 & 2
Not my best or most creative self portrait...but it is in fact a self portrait, and it does show what I wore today. I was running out of I quickly ran outside to get a pic...then my neighbor came home and was hanging out outside and I began to feel self-conscious and decided that what I got was good enough. And, I also wanted to capture my growing little baby bump. Mission accomplished! Oh, and if you are dying to know what shoes I was wearing...they are grey Toms. :)
You're sooo cute!!! Baby bump and all! I can just imagine the situation! It can be so awkward when people just stare. I was shooting a couple once and was drawing quite a crowd and making them feel so self conscious and so I finally turned to everyone and said, "okay, I think we're going to give them some privacy, so hope you all have a good day!" needless to say, suddenly, I was the most disliked person there!