Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Catch up!

I'm really falling behind on this 30 Day Challenge! After the craziness of moving, and not having internet for awhile, I'm finally settled in and ready to catch up! I think technically today is Day #13, but I'm just going to do a few each day and catch up a bit more gradually. Today I will post days 7, 8, and 9.

Day 7: Fruit

I love oranges! A good, juicy, ripe orange is just as good as candy in my opinion (which is saying a lot because I love candy!). So glad we're coming into orange season!!!

Day 8: A Bad Habit

Sorry to bring my friends into this...but laying out in the sun has been a bad habit in my life. I took this picture while we were in Arizona...and you better believe I was right there in the middle of them, soaking up every ray of sun that I could. There are few things as alluring to me as a lounge chair, next to a body of water, a cold beverage in my hand, and a good book that I can't put down. My poor skin! I love the look of a golden glow...but in recent years, I have been trying to think long-term about the condition of my skin. I really don't want to age prematurely or even cancer! So, I have been taking strides to lessen my time in the direct sun. A book is just as fun to read in the shade! And if I am in the sun...I always wear sunscreen!!

Day 8: Someone I Love

Ok. So there are a lot of people that I love that I thought about featuring for this day...but this guy is #1. A few of the many reasons that I love him are: he is thoughtful and kindhearted, he loves the Lord, he can always make me laugh, he's so excited to be a dad (and he's gonna be a great one!), and we can have fun together no matter what we're doing. I could go on and on....but I will stop. I love these pictures of him! I came home the other day and found him playing his guitar while watching the goings on outside our window. I love him!!

Check out Tami's blog here to catch up on everybody else's 30 Day Photography Challenge!


  1. Trace - love your blog and your photos! I'm almost inspired to start up blogging again but I already spend enough time on the internet, so I'll just stick with reading yours! ;)

  2. Tracy...when I read your blog, it always makes me think, "I really like this girl". I'm with you on the oranges!!! I LOVE them!! As for the sun, coming from someone who resembles a vampire these past couple years in efforts to slow down the aging process, I don't can take a look at me and know that maybe the slow aging process isn't worth the flipside of looking like you're next to death most of your life! :)
    As for Ben? Well, I've told you before but he was always my favorite...yeah, I really that guy too. Love this post and congrats on the move!!!

  3. Heather looks annoyed.
