Day 18: Your Shoes
First of all, sorry about showing a picture of my ugly feet...that is not even a very good quality picture anyway. But, thinking about shoes reminded me of this story, in which I happened to take a picture of...

So, the story is...Holly and I were visiting our brothers in Chicago. Holly was going to stay with her brother and sister in law, and I was going to stay with my brother. We all met together for dinner....and in the course of the evening, Holly's sister in law's shoe broke. After dinner we all went to hang out at my bro's house. In a gesture of kindness, I offered my only pair of shoes to Holly's sister in law in order for her to get home easier. I was going to see her the next morning, so I figured I could go without my shoes for the night. To my great surprise, the next morning, my brother really wanted to go out for breakfast before Holly and company came back. I told my brother it would not be possible due to the fact that I had no shoes. He insisted we should go and that I could wear his shoes...the only problem is that my brother's feet are huge!! I resisted at first, but finally my bro talked me into wearing his flip flops out in public in the big city of Chicago!! He promised me we could drive to our destination so that I would not have to walk far in his clown shoes. So, I swallowed my pride and slipped on the gargantuan flip flops. I was able to laugh at myself and even thought to take a picture (see above) of this hilarious and humbling situation. In the end, I didn't have to walk far, and I was able to hide my feet under the table during breakfast. In reality, no one probably even noticed my ridiculous shoes. But, my brother and I sure had a good laugh over it!
Shoes #2
I had to add this picture because today, in Northwest Indiana, we experience our first flurries for the winter. Now, I have to say that winter is my least favorite season...but the one redeeming quality about it is snowboarding. After I saw the snow today...I could just start to feel the snowboarding itch. I get it every winter and it is usually remedied by a trip out to the Rockies. This winter however, in my pregnant state, I think I'm going to have to endure this itch, and wait to get on my board next winter. Hmmm. Oh well!!
Day 19: Something Orange
My something orange is a my Crate and Barrel mixing bowls. I got them for our wedding and I love them!! Each one is a different color...only the largest one is orange. But I love having them setting out on my counter. Something about them just makes me happy! :)
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